1986 Haco TS-386

1986 Haco TS-386

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Vojens, Denmark


The Haco guillotine TS-386 is a specific model of guillotine shear produced by Haco, a company that manufactures metalworking machinery and equipment. Guillotine shears are used for cutting sheet metal with precision and accuracy, making them an essential tool in various industries, including metal fabrication.

Key features and specifications of the Haco guillotine shear TS-386 may include:

  1. Cutting Capacity: The "386" in the model name typically indicates the shear's maximum cutting capacity. In this case, it may suggest that the shear can cut materials with a thickness of 3.86 mm.
  2. Shear Length: Guillotine shears come in various sizes, so the shear length can vary. The "TS-386" would typically denote the specific model number and features of the shear.
  3. Hydraulic Operation: Guillotine shears are often powered by hydraulic systems, which provide the force needed to cut through metal.
  4. Backgauge: Many guillotine shears are equipped with a backgauge system that allows for precise and repeatable cuts by controlling the position of the workpiece.
  5. Safety Features: Guillotine shears are equipped with safety measures, including safety guards and emergency stop mechanisms, to protect operators during operation.

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