2015 Myoton Measuring Elastographic Structures

2015 Myoton Measuring Elastographic Structures

€1,900 (EUR)

Halle, Germany


2015 MyotonPRO Measuring Elastographic Structures

The MyotonPRO is a non-invasive handheld device designed for measuring biomechanical properties of muscles and soft tissues using a method known as myotonometry. Myotonometry is a technique that assesses the mechanical properties of tissues, including stiffness and elasticity, by applying a mechanical impulse to the tissue surface and measuring the resulting oscillations.

The MyotonPRO device can be used for various applications, including muscle assessment, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and research. It provides quantitative data on parameters such as stiffness, tone, elasticity, and damping, offering insights into the mechanical characteristics of the measured tissues.

The device has a small probe that is applied to the skin over the target muscle or tissue, and the resulting oscillations are recorded and analyzed by the device. The measurements obtained can be useful for monitoring changes in muscle and tissue properties, assessing the effectiveness of interventions, and aiding in research on conditions affecting musculoskeletal health.

It's important to note that myotonometry and devices like the MyotonPRO are utilized in research and clinical settings by healthcare professionals, physiotherapists, and researchers.

Find more here - https://www.ucymachines.com/

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